Bone Tissue for Toxicology
There are many different methods used to determine what types of drugs are in a dead body. One new technique that is in the works is examining bone tissue to find what is present. Since the adult body has 206 bones in it, it is likely that “bones could potentially represent a significant ‘sink’ for drugs and their metabolites.” This article identifies two questions, “Is there variation in drug concentration within the same skeleton?” and “Does burial affect drug detection in skeletal tissues?” These questions are followed by research in an attempt to find answers each question. All in all, it is found that this technique is still in its infancy, and needs more time and experimenting in order to perfect it.
Gautam, L. (2013, July 3). Drugs from Unusual Matrices: Using Bone Tissue as a Forensic Toxicology
Specimen. Forensic Magazine.
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