U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case on Collecting DNA from Arrested People
The United States Supreme Court will hear the battle over collecting DNA samples from arrested but not convicted individuals this month and rule to either allow or prohibit the collection nationwide. A little over half of the states currently collect a DNA sample from arrested but not yet convicted offenders along with standard fingerprints and basic identification procedures after arrest. Proponents for DNA collection of arrested offenders argue that identifying offenders as soon as possible will save innocent lives and prevent future crimes from occurring. Opponents argue that DNA collection of individuals who are not convicted is unconstitutional and a violation of the fourth amendment’s protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. The Supreme Court will hear the 2009 Maryland v. King case in determining the constitutionality of DNA collection of arrested but not convicted offenders.
Date of Article: February 2, 2013
Source: Forensic Magazine
Savage, D. (2013, February 2). Supreme Court to hear fight over taking DNA from arrested people. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-court-dna-20130203,0,4970458.story